When you are requesting or planning alterations to anything that would involve alterations to anything outside your home, here's what you need to do:
If you are requesting a change to landscaping, fill out a Landscaping Request. Specify whether you will be paying for the alterations or whether you are requesting that Riverwoods pay for the work. Submit it to the Property Manager. If you are requesting permission to make changes, include along drawings or photos showing what the plants or alterations would look like.
If you planning changes to windows or doors, installing a satellite dish, adding exterior lighting, making holes in the siding, etc, fill out an Indemnification Form. This will ensure that you will be responsible for any ongoing damages resulting from the alterations. Submit to the Property Manager along with drawings, blueprints, or photographs.
Please note:
No alterations should be made until the Board of Directors has approved any plans.
Vendor insurance information should be included (Insurer and Policy Number)
The home owner should be noted on the forms along with Heritage Management Services and the Riverwoods Community Association.